Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Focusing on Andersen Inlet erosion risks

Once the peat layer is compromised the salt marsh quickly disintergratedsand is being washed further into the inlet and trees provide little resistance to erosion

I guess there has been a lot of discussion in this blog about changes on the surf beach at Venus Bay but in reality the most significant erosion is going on all along Andersen Inlet.The deeper channels (think of them as a submerged meandering but tidal streams) are snaking back and forth changing position within the inlet progressively widening the inlet and eroding its banks (particularly at Inverloch, on the north eastern side, and around doyle’s road, on the western side. Sand is progressively  moving deeper into the inlet and this hinders the development of mangroves, which are really the only way to slow down eroding the shores. The open “beaches” allow waves to undercut the peat layer of the salt marshes and once compromised like this the salt marshes quickly wash away. Trees offer only slightly more resistance but they soon also succumb to the erosion.

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